Periodontal Disease In Dogs

Up to 80% of all canines over the age of three have periodontal disease, which is a prevalent issue. It is brought on by the accumulation of plaque and tartar on the teeth, which causes gum inflammation. Periodontal disease can result in major health issues, such as tooth loss, bone loss, and even heart disease, if it is not treated.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease in Dogs

The early stages of periodontal disease may not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, you may notice the following signs: – Red, swollen, or bleeding gums – Bad breath (halitosis) – Loose or missing teeth – Drooling – Difficulty chewing – Weight loss

Treatment for Periodontal Disease in Dogs

The best way to prevent periodontal disease is to brush your dog's teeth regularly and take them to the vet for dental checkups every 6 months. If your dog already has periodontal disease, your vet may recommend a combination of the following treatments: – Professional dental cleaning – Antibiotics – Anti-inflammatory medication – Pain medication – Home dental care

Preventing Periodontal Disease in Dogs

Regular tooth brushing is the greatest way for dogs to avoid periodontal disease. Use toothpaste made for dogs and a toothbrush with gentle bristles. Try using a dental chew or water additive if your dog dislikes getting their teeth brushed. Additionally, it's crucial to take your dog to the vet every six months for a dental examination. The veterinarian will clean your dog's teeth and get rid of any plaque or tartar accumulation during these examinations.

You can avoid periodontal disease and maintain the health of your dog's teeth and gums by carrying out these easy steps.